Nustreams Bookstore and Library


Nustreams Bookstore and Library houses a number of books covering diverse subjects. Come and experience the great ambience and get something inspiring to read.



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Summit & Expo Photo

Summit & Expo

Summit & Expo is the brand of Nustreams that organised international standard summits and exhibitions that covers diverse fields. The flagship summit was the South-West Regional E-commerce Summit & Expo held in 2018 which was a massive success. After which more summits have been held to proffer solutions to problems in different market places in specific industries.



Dreamworld Studios Photo

Dreamworld Studios

Dreamworld studios boasts of Complete Sound and PA Systems, Projectors, Screen Video/TV system/DVD player Comfortable Conference Chairs and Tables Video and Audio Recording. Photo Studio Music and Sound Studio Make-Up Studio. We do full multimedia; pictures, video and audio production and we have a spaces up for rent at affordable prices.



iBridge Hub Photo

iBridge Hub

With a mix of various creative people and amazing internet powered company creating awesomeness from in here, iBridge Hub is sure the preferred collaborative space in town. Therefore, as a member of the hub you will be required to take part in various innovative programs and initiatives by the hub. They are all to make you do more than just work, but to actually learn, earn, collaborate, have fun and be better. Internet, comfortable work space, access to training room at affordable rates. ...



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